Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

We are based in Johannesburg, South Africa and do business on this website.  Everything happens online where you can buy tools, designs and our beautiful fabric.  

Do you have a shop I can visit?

Augusta Quilts is an online store.  The website is the only way that you can buy from us.  Of course, you can contact us for assistance as well.

How do I contact you?

The simplest way is to send an email via the website
You can also use

Do I need an account to buy from you?

Yes, you do.  We do not allow guest purchases as your account is the place where you will be able to get your downloads and have a record of your purchases.

How do I create an account?

When you checkout, you'll have the option to login to your account, or to create a new account.

What currency can I buy in?

This website only sells in ZAR. Our payment provider, Yoco, will accept your credit card from any country and your bank will convert the ZAR amount to your local currency.

I saw an item yesterday, but it's not available today.

Once items are sold, they are no longer in the catalogue, meaning someone else purchased it before you had the chance. While quilting supplies may restock, items like quilts and panels are unique and once sold, they are gone! Act quickly when you find something you like.